Monday, 19 September 2011

Monday, Monday - The Mamas and the Papas

Like most people, I'm not a huge fan of Mondays. The plethora of songs lamenting the start of another week indicates that many songwriters also agree. That's where Monday, Monday, released by The Mamas and the Papas in 1966, is a gem. It gets the point across with such gentle perfection that the listener couldn't possibly hear the song without smiling, even if they are reminded of what day it is.

In primary school, I had an eccentric teacher who was a brilliant pianist and musician. I remember one afternoon him playing Monday, Monday repeatedly while we were working in class. He'd point out interesting things to listen to, much to the chagrin of my classmates: "... and now another harmony comes in", "oh, beautiful" and "wait for the break - ahhh!". Years later, when I fell in love with this song for myself, I realised he had a point. Several, in fact.

The harmonies are indeed superb. I've practised each harmony line individually and still find myself choosing one to sing whenever I hear the song played. It's fun to listen to in stereo; just block off a side and you get either male or female parts. Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day.

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